After 6-year battle with mystery skin condition, Cindy Lim found a magic ingredient that fixed her condition in 72hrs.

In 2014, Cindy Lim started to notice a red, dry patch developing on the tip of her nose. 

The red patch continued to grow over the next few years and, eventually, developed into a full-blown open sore.

The skin around her nose and her cheeks also became inflamed, dry and flaky.

She became extremely self-conscious of her appearance and spent thousands of dollars on skincare products to clear up the mystery skin condition.

But nothing ever seemed to work long term.

The redness might go down momentarily, but it always returned.

It was during covid, in 2020, when Cindy's condition was at its worst, that she decided to do something about it.

She started researching ingredients that were known to heal skin faster.

And, that's when she came across some research around hemp - nature’s most perfectly balanced oil for skin.

According to the articles she read, hemp was widely shown to have many skin benefits:

  • Calming inflammatory skin conditions
  • Helping to regenerate skin cells faster
  • Reducing and healing acne breakouts
  • Being non-comedogenic (doesn't block pores)
  • Deeply hydrating for dry skin
  • But also not too greasy and heavy for oily skin

Cindy ordered a bottle of a hemp serum to try out.

After trying the hemp oil on her nose for a few days, she immediately noticed the redness calming down.

However, she didn't love the feeling of putting pure oil directly onto raw, inflamed skin.

In that moment, she knew that she had to create the perfect hemp skincare formulation for herself and others.

She immediately began working on a hemp based serum formula.

She really wanted a product that was super lightweight with a more liquid texture to absorb seamlessly into the skin.

When the final sample was ready Cindy tried it out.

And, she was completely blown away.

Within 72 hours the open sore on her nose had already healed dramatically!

After SIX YEARS and thousands of dollars spent on products to try and fix this mystery skin condition.

She had finally found something that worked within days.

From there, Cindy and her formulation team developed a complete skincare range, including cleanser, serum, moisturiser and mask, all with hemp as the hero ingredient.

Since officially launching Koko & Kush in 2021, the same unbelievable results from customers have continued rolling in.